Source Resonance Audio can benefit a wide range of health concerns in enhancing ones overall health and well-being.

What is Source Resonance (or Source Medicine)?

UK-based This non-profit organization produced an amazing new medical healing system 20 years ago by Peter Chappell. Source Medicine promotes authentic healing and positive transformation. The mission is to benefit and scientifically validate these resonances for plants, animals & people.

Source Medicine is a new development akin to homoeopathy, based on many of its principles and practices and using a new form of resonance. Source Resonances are produced as sounds which are imprinted with information that supports the body’s natural healing ability.

Source Resonances have been shown to be highly effective in supporting wellbeing and recovery from infection in rural, traditional cultures, for instance for for people exposed to infectious disease like HIV, malaria, leprosy etc.

The Source Medicine sound resonances are one minute long audio tracks using the meditative quality of waves combined with affirmations (unable to be heard by the ears).

Developed out of a background in homeopathy and engineering and through understanding the physical resonances as simply a resonant imprint in a liquid carrier medium, it was possible to come up with the idea of using a digital file as the carrier medium instead. This was then tested in clinics in Africa with dramatic results, confirming the efficacy of this concept.


Physical & Illnesses
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Emotions & Mental Resonances
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